Friday, February 05, 2010

Buda-bump-bump-bump, another one under the bus

Via the WashPost, Arkansas senator Blanche Lincoln asked President Obama in a closed-door session to moderate his administration's policies so that candidates (like her) wouldn't be thrown out of Congress en masse.

Obama's response: "You'll be missed."

The second striking thing was how easily he appeared to write off Lincoln politically. Conceding nothing, he implied that her defeat was not only a foregone conclusion, but also an acceptable price to pay for staying the course on policy.
Keep on truckin'!

Related - Christian Science Monitor: "Blanche Lincoln fights for her political life."


  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Obama gave up Ted Kennedy's seat to satisfy his ego and agenda, what is Blanche's? He doesn't care.

    Here are the seats that will be sacrificed by Obama:

    Dorgan, Dodd, Burris, Bayh, Boxer, Bennet, Reid, Murray, Specter, Gillibrand, and Feingold.

    He is also willing to sacrifice about 90-100 House seats, including (ha ha) Patrick Kennedy in RI.

    Plus the governorships - MA, OH, PA, MI, IL, IA, KS, WY, MD, WI, and TN.

    He is a historic figure, and is leading the Dems to historic slaughter through historic cluelessness about everything.

  2. Of all of those, Reid is my favorite. Plus, the GOP might be able to hit the double-shot of Obama's and Biden's old Senate seats.
