Tuesday, September 22, 2009

San Antonio update

Taking a break in a Texas Starbucks with WiFi connection. Hooray! Yesterday I walked the half-mile from the hotel to the Alamo which is described as a shrine to Texas independence. On my way back, I got disorientated and - as heaven as my witness - a local guide appeared from nowhere to send me in the right direction. People here are really very friendly and polite. Maybe it has something to do with concealed weapons. (Right, Bram?)

The conference right now is working through some microwave-type technology so it's not really my cup of tea. My presentation is tomorrow afternoon so we'll see how it goes. At the Alamo gift shop, I picked up a Texas flag-style tie; maybe the crowd will go easy on me at question time.

1 comment:

  1. Damn straight! When I make enough F-you money to escape NJ, I'll be living in the Hill Country somewhere north of San Antonio.
