Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Generational Theft Act moves to the Senate

Since I have to work all day, I always feel like I'm adding two cents to an issue that's been thoroughly reviewed. But I'll just say a couple of things: no matter how ginormous they make this stimulus bill, the actual cost will be much higher due to the interest on all the money we're going to borrow.

Who's going to pay for it? The kids. They'll have to pick up the bill for another $300+ billion in interest, pushing the overall cost of the package well over a trillion dollars. The consequences of this unchecked spending will put further strain on a generation that is just starting to see the cost of runaway entitlement spending.

Support for the stimulus bill is slipping as Americans catch wind of the inevitable pork, including fish barriers and honeybee insurance. Plus, simple math indicates that a trillion dollars, even if it created the 4 million jobs that Obama promised, adds up to $250,000 per job. However, since Americans haven't cared that much about deficit spending from World War II to the prescription drug benefit, I'm doubtful the Republicans in the Senate will find the spine to stop this $1 trillion mistake. But I hope they do, for the children.


  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Two charts, illustrating the history of bank borrowing from the Fed from 1929-2007/08:

    Hmmm... I wonder if matching the ebbs and spikes with the various administrations would suggest any mysterious tendencies...

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This trillion-dollar initiative is exactly the kind of trigger that could make the foreign owners of our trillions in debt a little nervous & decide the euro is a better place to put their reserves. If that were to happen, we'd have to print another 5-6 trillion to pay them off. Dropping that kind of scratch on a already-depressed economy would easily collapse the dolllar.

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I'm teaching my kids self-reliance and shooting skills. I hope they have the guts to revolt when they grow up. Throw the selfish geezers who spent their money out on the streets and start over kids. Don't pay taxes for this.

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