Thursday, January 29, 2009

No avail for snail mail

Fox News: "Experts see dim future for U.S. Postal Service"

A day after Postmaster General John Potter threatened to cut mail delivery from six to five days a week, postal experts, direct marketing executives and politicians alike said the outlook for the quasi-governmental U.S. Postal Service is bleak.

"It certainly represents a divergence of mail service as we know it," Postal Regulatory Commission Chairman Dan Blair told of the potential move to five-day service as a cost-cutting measure. "But we don't really rely on mail the same way we do today as we did five, 10 years ago. Our expectations of postal service are different from a generation ago."
Oh, we'll have mail. Forever. You don't want to incur the wrath of the Postmaster General:

People will mail more when they invent a junk mail filter for envelopes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Go for it. Cut saturday deliveries.

    We lived overseas and had U.S. Mail deliveries just 2-3 times per week. That's more than adequate to keep up with bills and order from catalogs.

    So go for it...
