Friday, December 12, 2008

Money man - The front page of today's Wall Street Journal screams: "Top broker accused of $50 billion fraud." That's "billion" with a "B." And now Gateway reports that he was a big donor to Democratic candidates.


  1. Did you see the TimesUK article, linked by Drudge, at the bottom?

    (This is not in the WSJarticle you linked to)

    One investor told The Wall Street Journal: “This is going to kill so many people. It’s absolutely awful.” Ira Roth, from New Jersey, said that his family had $1 million invested, and that he was in a state of panic.

    Ira Roth...wonder if Jayson Blair is out there stringing

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Ira Roth is so a real person! He's 59 and a half years old, and lives next door to Rollo Ver and Will Call.
