Thursday, December 11, 2008

Auto bailout dies in the Senate - It's a quarter after 10 (EST) and Harry Reid along with Mitch McConnell are indicating that they will not reach cloture in the Senate on the bailout for the Detroit automakers.

Extra - Is this a fake ad?  I think so.

Update - Not even close for cloture: 52-35 (60 needed).

More - Barbara Boxer is making a fool of herself as usual.

Even more - Dick Durbin, on the other hand, makes some sense.  He notes that Consumer Reports always rates Japanese cars as having much better reliability than American cars; the Detroit automakers didn't really have a good response to this during Senate hearings.

Finally - Ten Republicans voted for cloture, so the vote could have moved forward with 50 of the 51 Democrats.  So says Arlen Specter (R-PA) who voted "aye."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Sounds like Alan is making a fool of j\himself as usual too.
