Sunday, November 02, 2008

Amazing Race update – Irons and ire in India

As noted last week, Terence & Sarah start out this leg with a 30-minute penalty for speeding in New Zealand. Everybody's heading off for New Delhi, India from Cambodia. Speaking as a longtime TAR fan, I can guarantee that somebody is going to make a comment about the smell once they arrive in India. Team Bluto is bringing up the rear (again) as they try to get out of Cambodia but everybody's on the same flight.

Once in Delhi, everybody has to go to Moonlight Motors in cabs which is a problem with cows wandering in the road. This is the Roadblock: one team member must paint an auto-rickshaw green after they've masked the yellow part of the cab. Although everybody left the airport at the same time, some teams get confused cab drivers who turn circles around Delhi. Tina is badgering Ken and Terence is nagging Sarah at the Roadblock. Andrew & Dan take the lead after this task for the first time the whole race. Teams must now find a doorman at the Ambassador Hotel.

Once at the Hotel, it's the Detour: Launder Money or Launder Clothes. Teams may either create a wedding necklace with rupees or iron clothes with an iron filled with charcoal. Everybody chooses to iron clothes except Team Infidelity and Team Co-Dependency – the two teams with the worst relationship problems – who pick the wedding necklace task. Nick & Starr finish ironing and head to the Pit Stop in first place for the second leg in a row.

Ken & Tina finish the wedding task just as Dan & Andrew are finishing ironing. It's a sprint to the finish line and, thanks to yet another confused cab driver, Team Infidelity winds up in last place. However, this is the first non-elimination leg, and Ken & Tina are spared to live another week. They'll have to complete a "speed bump" task in the next leg of the Race which could slow them down.

Final standings:

#1 – Team Perky – Nick & Starr – Prize: electric cars
#2 – Team Ditzy Divorcees – Kelly & Christy
#3 – Team Mom/Son – Toni & Dallas
#4 – Team Co-dependency – Terence & Sarah
#5 – Team Bluto – Dan & Andrew
#6 – Team Infidelity – Ken & Tina – Non-elimination leg

Next week – Multicolor tasks.

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