Thursday, October 16, 2008

They're gonna go with O - The WashPost endorses Obama: "The nominating process this year produced two unusually talented and qualified presidential candidates. There are few public figures we have respected more over the years than Sen. John McCain. Yet it is without ambivalence that we endorse Sen. Barack Obama for president."


  1. I have been waiting to see who they would endorse. I can't wait to see who the NY Times decides to endorse after they get finished thinking everything through.

  2. Anonymous12:59 AM

    The Washington Post's editorial page is conservative, you kneejerk muttonhead.

    MSM! MSM! Eek!

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The Chicago Tribune has endorsed Obama, the first time the paper has ever endorsed a Democrat for President in its 161 years of publication.

    It's a bad, bad, bad year to be John McCain.

  4. Obama's hometown newspaper endorsed him? Why, let's just name his President now and tell everyone not to bother come Nov. 4th.

    Seriously, newspapers these days have no influence whatsoever. 50/50 whether half of them will be around to endorse whatever Democrat is running in 2012.

  5. Anonymous11:02 PM

    "Whatever Democrat is running in 2012." Golly gumdrops, I wonder who that mysterious Democrat will be...

    Hey, Brian. Obama's hometown newspaper used to be Adlai Stevenson's hometown newspaper, and the Chicago Tribune endorsed Eisenhower twice. It's a conservative paper.

    No matter how weakened the newspaper biz is, "once in 16 decades" is news.

  6. The Washington Post's editorial page may be conservative compared to Cynthia McKinney and Keith Olbermann, but it's certainly not conservative by any Conservative's perspective. However, in "anonymous" world, there may be different criteria.

  7. Anonymous3:30 PM

    DBrooks17 is apparently unaware that the Wash. Post's editorials do skew to the right... at least rightward enough to provoke complaints from the Post's own staff. They have claimed that Fred Hiatt's editorials do not reflect the newspaper's own reporting.

    The doubting Mr. 17 could always try reading the last decade's worth of Post editorials for himself. Many are easily retrievable online.

    Or if that prospect is too upsetting, Mr. 17 can just stick to the one-size-fits-all "the liberal media" premise. It makes the perfect trump card for those playing mental solitaire.
