Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hard-working, tax-payin' Joe the Plumber - Fox News says: he owes taxes, isn't a licensed plumber and his name isn't Joe. You can't make this stuff up. Also, according to Hot Air, he'll soon be unemployed soon so there goes the workin'.

Extra - WashPost: "After debate, glare of media hits Joe"


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Looks like the McCain campaign really learned its lesson about the wisdom of fully vetting their caricatures' backgrounds BEFORE kicking off the sales pitch.

  2. Yes, that's true.

    It would also be nice if the media looked into Obama's associations with the same speed and intensity they investigated Joe the Plumber.

    But that's water under the bridge. Let's just get this thing over with.

  3. I love leftist dopes ignorance. It all started when Obama walked up to the guy while he was in fornt of his house. McCain didn't pull this guy out of the woodwork.


  4. Anonymous10:59 PM

    To the previous poster:

    Obama came to 'Joe the plumber', not the other way around. Unless McCain's staff has invented an invisible mind ray that compelled Obama to visit Joe's neighborhood and walk up to Joe's house.

    Of course all this deflection about Joe is UTTERLY BESIDE THE POINT. The whole issue is Obama's response which contained the phrase "spread the wealth around".

    This incredibly revealing comment laid open Obama's socialist leanings for all to see. Big, big mistake on Obama's part. This could very well cost him the election.

  5. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Eric: It would also be nice if the media looked into Obama's associations with the same speed and intensity they investigated Joe the Plumber.

    It's really true, the media has dragged their heels on the story, except for a few fringe outlets like the LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, Chicago Sun-Times, New Republic, New Yorker, and, all of whom conducted separate investigations and found the Obama-Ayers "friendship" to be specious (the LA Times called the Palin/McCain claim "shabby" and "outrageous").

  6. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Daniel, did you ever hear that old song, "I like dreaming"? It's over. A sex tape leaked by al-Qaeda starring Barack Obama, Kim Jong-Il, and Dolly the Sheep wouldn't derail this election.

    Wow, I think Brian would eat a stale dog turd and call it Porterhouse steak, as long as somebody put an (R) after the poop's name.

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Re: "It's Over."

    What's over? The election? Unfortunately not. We still have over two and half weeks yet before November 4th. THEN, it will finally be over (thank goodness!)

    Re: " a sex tape ... wouldn't derail this election".

    Well, I should hope not. Why would it? No, our election will commence as scheduled, and I trust the American people to enter the election booth, vote their conscience, and make a good choice.

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Maybe Obama should have vetted the neighborhood before going door to door. Could have stopped all this unnecessary questioning. Face it people, the man can not give a non-Marxist answer to a direct question with out a teleprompter. Relly, its Joe and McCains fault that Obama's mask slipped.


  9. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Since this might become a music blog, I'll send out two long-distance dedications to the last commenter: Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" and Beck's "Loser."

    Music is a healing force. Republicans can spend the next 4 (8? 12?) years thinking about everything their darling George W. did for them, while listening to a continuous loop of the Sex Pistols' Johnny Rotten barking, "Ha, ha! Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

  10. Anonymous12:44 AM

    listening to a continuous loop of the Sex Pistols' Johnny Rotten barking, "Ha, ha! Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

    After his first 100 days in office, I dont think it will just be Republicans listening.

    I sure by then Obama will rediscover is life long friends, Wright, Ayers, etc. And some how the tax cut for 95% of the population will never occur, anyone pointing this out will promptly be labeled a racist and have their life destroyed. Obama can keep his pledge to shaft the Canadians and bomb Pakistan, not to worry, the media will never call him a unilateral cowboy. Expect the news media it act like the cheering section at a special olympics.

  11. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Gotta love that crackerjack "conservative comedy."

    Although this particular example makes one nostalgic for the subtlety and wit of 'The Half Hour News Hour.'
