Sunday, October 12, 2008

Booing Obama = hate crime

Rick Moran has the sordid details:

Barack Obama was booed at a McCain Town Hall in Waukesha, Wisconsin yesterday.

That’s right. I’m not joking. A crowd of Republicans actually had the audacity, the temerity, the gumption to show their displeasure when the name of The Messiah was uttered.
Can you imagine? What is this country coming to that political partisans would express disapproval of an ideological opponent? Rick has a follow-up post here on those angry GOP "mobs" and even the normally unflappable Instapundit is peeved. Will the Professor turn vigilante? Who can tell with these crazy libertarian types?

Extra - Roundup at Memeorandum.

More – So it's come to this: Molotov cocktails.


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Riiiiiight. Booing versus "terrorist" and "Arab" and "bomb him." Totally equivalent counterreactions. Totally equivalent atmospheres.

    Great entertainment, though. How funny to see the rough, tough grownups who diagnosed "derangement syndrome" showing their true colors. ElectionPROJECTION, indeed.

  2. Well, from 2000 we know that nothing strikes fear into the heart's of the creampuffs faster than guys in khakis, Polo dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up, Bass Weejuns, and those totally cool whale printed belts from Vineyard Vines. And what really sends the left shrieking to momma is when those mean spirited YAF types was when those firebrands starting waving their Platinum AMEX cards.

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    The "G" in GOP stands for "glass jaw."
