Sunday, October 12, 2008

Amazing Race update – Breathless in Bolivia

Me, last week: "Teams are suffering from altitude sickness, so I'm guessing La Paz, Bolivia is the next destination."

Next stop: La Paz, Bolivia. Advantage: Geography Pundit!

Teams had to make their way from Brazil to Bolivia and everybody ends up sleeping in a town square, waiting for the morning newspaper which contains the next clue. Team Bluto finds the classified ad first and go to a hat store for the next clue. Some teams take taxis that get caught in traffic, while others walk but they're weighed down by the thin oxygen.

This clue is a Detour: Musical March or Bumpy Ride. Teams may either form a band from a group of musicians and lead them, like Professor Henry Hill, to a nearby park. The bumpy ride involves taking a rickety bicycle down a cobblestone road to the same park. Also at the end of this Detour is a U-Turn, which means that one team can force another to go back and do the other Detour as a delaying tactic. Team D&D and Team Co-Dependency leave the hat store for the Detour, but fail to notice that the clue instructs them to travel by foot. Sarah sees the mistake and they turn around, but Mark & Bill go to the bicycle, confident they're in first place. It looks like they are on the way to a 30-minute penalty when they get to the mat.

Team D&D arrive to the U-Turn, choose not to penalize anyone, then head to the next clue. They're listed as "first place" so far, but I think they're going to get penalized. Team Twelve Oaks are leading a band ahead of the frat boys and they arrive second to the clue at the park. One of the Ditzy Divorcees wipes out on the bicycle task while Team Perky considers giving them a U-Turn. Commercial time!

The next clue is a Roadblock. Well, this should be good: one team member must dress up in a gaudy outfit and wrestle a girl. Unlike American wrestling, the Racer must learn a choreographed routine before heading out to the ring to "fight." Ken of Team Infidelity finishes first and heads to the Pit Stop. Many of the other teams are caught up in traffic or beset by vehicle problems. Toni & Dallas, who left the park in last place, arrive fourth to the Roadblock by virtue of a competent cab driver. Dallas does a great job and Team Mom/Son jump up to second place. Meanwhile, Mark on Team D&D is totally winded and needs oxygen to continue. But he screws up the routine a second time and has to go back to training. I'm thinking they're going to get a time penalty at the Pit Stop anyway, so it's looking bad for the nerds.

Aha! Mark & Bill re-read the clue and realize they needed to walk to the Detour. They arrive at the mat and Phil informs them they are the "eighth team to arrive" but not "Team #8." Kelly & Christy are on the way as the last team and they arrive, sure they've lost. Phil tells them they are the "last team to arrive…however." They're visibly relieved then a little upset to have supplanted Mark & Bill, but they're still in the Race.

Final standings:

Team Infidelity – Ken & Tina – Prize: Travelocity trip to Mexico
Team Mom/Son – Toni & Dallas
Team Co-Dependency – Terence & Sarah
Team Twelve Oaks – Marisa & Brooke
Team Perky – Nick & Starr
Team Long Distance – Aja & Ty
Team Bluto – Andrew & Dan
Team Ditzy Divorcees – Kelly & Christie
Team D&D – Mark & Bill

Next week: Tension on Team Long Distance.

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