Sunday, July 27, 2008

Worst NASCAR race ever - What can I say about today's Brickyard 400 except 1) it had little to do with the cars or drivers and 2) there was no "racing." Because the Goodyear tires were falling apart after 15-20 laps, NASCAR officials decided to engage a never-ending sequence of "competition yellows" so that teams could replace tires. The longest green flag "racing" was twelve laps long, meaning that on a huge track like Indianapolis, there was virtually no opportunity to move up. The entire "race" was reduced to a pit stop contest.

After three or four competition yellows, NASCAR should have told the pit chiefs: "OK, you know what to expect in terms of tire wear. For the second half of the race, the strategy is yours to make." Instead, I waited two weeks to see this farce of hiccupping, stop-and-go, awfulness.

Damn...when does football season start?


  1. E,

    To be honest, that entire post should have said:

    "[W]hen does football season start?"

    NASCAR is a joke and I couldn't care less.


  2. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Amen. That race was absolutely brutal to watch...and utter embarrassment for NASCAR....

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    On the plus side, CORR was on NBC Live on Sunday and ROCKED!
    If you like motorsports, you really should check out CORR, WSORR, and of course WOO.
    Championship Off Road Racing, World Series of Off Road Racing, and World Of Outlaws.


  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    What is it with tires and Indy? Just a year or two ago, the tire makers delivered junk for the Formula One race at Indy.
