Sunday, July 27, 2008

Files? What files?

Remember the story about how a disproportionate number of Boston firefighters were claiming enhanced disability? And how one of them was collecting tax-free disability due to a "back injury" before it was found he finished eighth in a bodybuilding competition? Well, it looks like somebody was trying to bury the evidence before investigators could dig any further. From the Boston Globe: "Firefighter files vanish as FBI looks into claims":

The medical files of three Boston firefighters who claimed career-ending on-the-job injuries disappeared from Boston Fire Department headquarters in recent weeks as federal investigators were pursuing an inquiry into dozens of questionable disability claims, according to two senior public officials.

The possibility that someone removed the files in a bid to hamper the investigation has now spurred a parallel federal investigation of possible theft and attempted obstruction of justice, the officials said.
Smooth move! Nobody will suspect a thing.

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