Thursday, January 03, 2008

Rolling Stone says Hillary is toast

From "Five not-so-unlikely surprises" in the left-wing rag and former music magazine:

It’s easy to see how Edwards finishes stronger than he’s polled. Ditto for Obama, who is counting on unprecedented turnout to goose his precinct tallies. But where are Hillary’s hidden backers? I can’t see them.

And neither, apparently, can the Clinton camp. Surrogate Tom Vilsack, Iowa’s former governor, is already lowering expectations, spinning that a third-place finish would be just dandy.

But let’s get real: If Obama wins, Edwards places, and Hillary tumbles into third by any notable margin, her candidacy could be toast. Inevitable candidates don’t finish last.
The empress has no clothing for her coronation. (Hat tip: Memeorandum)

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