Friday, January 04, 2008

The bad news and the less bad news - They can be found on sequential posts over on the Plank: on the one hand, the Independents in Iowa overwhelmingly caucused with the Democrats. If the microcosm of Iowa suggests a larger national trend that the middle is abandoning the GOP, 2008 is going to be a rough year. However, if the Democrats do claim the White House, it may not be Hillary, thank heaven. Unlike the Dean-Kerry switcharoo of four years ago, Iowa voters didn't settle for Obama - they wanted him.

Extra - AJ Strata is also concerned.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    AJ Strata:
    Don't Savage and Malkin understand that their divisive angrytalk turns off voters? The electorate is rejecting hyper-partisans, and heading towards the middle of the political spectrum.

    In unrelated news, Osama Bin Laden is popping champagne corks, because he knows the cowardly appeasers will soon be in charge and his followup attack will be easy-peasy.

    God, this is going to be fantastic.
