Tuesday, December 18, 2007

There's no crying in baseball the Senate - Harry Reid is unclear on the concept of "turnabout is fair play."


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "Turnabout"? They're turning like a turbine mixer. With its 62nd filibuster, this Congressional minority has *already* broken the all-time record. With a mere 13 more months to go to extend the total.

    Every majority boo-hoos about the minority not playing along, but this Congress is something very, very special.

    Do not fail to appreciate what you're seeing; it may not pass our way again.

  2. If the GOP has broken the filibuster record, it's because crazy Harry Reid insists on taking repeated votes that he knows will fail. Aren't we due for another SCHIP vote soon?

    Ironically, Harry Reid finally passed a bill through the Senate with 60 votes. It was the one that funded the war in Iraq to the tune of another $70 billion. It's not known if any Democratic Senators tried to filibuster.

  3. Anonymous5:34 AM

    So the GOP is on record, cheerfully blocking everything except a continuation of the 30% war. Shrewd strategy for 2008! Can't miss!

    All that talk about the Group of 14 and a nuclear option and undermining democracy... ah, there's nothing like those honorable conservative principles.
