Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Principles are for Republicans - Q&O comments on how the Democrats only want a candidate who is "electable": "That was how John F. Kerry became the last "electable" Democrat to ride it into the ground. It isn't principles, it isn't policies, it isn't experience - its electability."


  1. Anonymous9:46 PM

    [i]Principles are for Republicans[/i]

    :::rim shot:::

    Guess that budget deficit hit our country on board a meteor from deepest space, hmm?

    Best of luck with Romney, or Guiliani, or Huckabee, or McCain... all steadfast men of unwavering conservative tenets. Succeeding the leader of the party and the poster boy for abiding conservative principles.

  2. Hmm...you have a point with some candidates but how else to explain the inexplicable rise of Huckabee other than he seems the most conservative and certainly the most religious?

    Meanwhile, the Democrats in Congress reveal that, despite what they told the Kossacks, they really didn't mean to push their agenda. It was all a big ploy for 2008 where - pinky-swear! - they're going to do something.

  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    You've seen all the Huckabee criticisms: raised lots of taxes, released Willie Horton Jr., isn't on the "eject the illegal immigrants" bandwagon. If Huckabee's the most conservative of the group, that's like being the fattest patient in the bulimia clinic.

    "and certainly the most religious"

    Stop right there. That's where Huckabee's rise begins, and where it ends.

    The Democratic leadership has made a cynical though safe decision to play their poker hand one chip at a time, even though they could easily raise. The strategy is all but guaranteed to reward them in 2008. Whether it costs them long term is something we'll find out... um, in the long term.

    Judging the Dems' agenda or tactics by the level of disappointment on Daily Kos would be like turning over the war in Iraq to the commenters on Michelle Malkin threads. Except for throwing some rhetorical red meat come primary time, parties NEVER try to satisfy the radical fringe. That's why they're the fringe.

  4. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Really? The newly-funded war in Iraq is a "fringe" issue for Democratic voters?

    You learn something new everyday.
