Sunday, December 09, 2007

He sees the green light - From Hot Air: "Former anti-nuke protester: Increase nuclear power use to save the world"


  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    "...more Americans have died in Ted Kennedy’s car than from nuclear accidents...". good stuff.

    So if she's been so collosally wrong about nuclear power all these years and now "sees the light", why should anyone listen to her about anything?

    Six months ago she was probably ranting about "rascist, genocidal coorporate greed" driving the nuclear power industry, but now it's all sunshine, puppies & kisses.

    Hopefully she's also one of these nuts who will volutarily sterilize herself to plower her extended carbon footprint.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    "...more Americans have died in Ted Kennedy’s car than from nuclear accidents...". good stuff.

    Ha, ha, ha! Classic! Not true, but still classic!

  3. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "...more Americans have died in Ted Kennedy’s car than from radiation exposure at civilian nuclear power plants..."

    True but not as punchy.

  4. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Also 100% bogus, naturally.

    But you gotta admit, that Teddy Kennedy sure is fat and liberal!

    Hey, everyvidy! Did you know there were fewer initial deaths at Three Mile Island than John Edwards has had expensive haircuts?
