Sunday, December 09, 2007

Amazing Race update - I saw the harbor fights

Wow, it's been a long time since we've had a non-elimination leg in the Race with five straight teams knocked out. The remaining six teams started out from Vilnius, Lithuania and had to make their way to Dubrovnik, Croatia and find the Fort of St. Lawrence. It's very late at night so everybody's bunched up at the airport and they're all suspicious of each other's actions. Kynt & Vyxsin get some attention in one airline office and Ronald responds unfavorably when they don't share information. Azaria turns Mr. Hyde on his sister as tensions mount even though it looks like everybody's going to end up on the same connecting flight.

Whoops - big mistake for Team Alpha Siblings. They got tickets in business class and the rules of the Race are very clear that only economy tickets may be purchased. They rush back to the ticket counter but all the economy seats on the plane they want are booked. However, they make another flight through Frankfurt and the agent tells them that all the teams flying through Prague will be late due to delays. Everybody is scrambling across Europe, through Vienna and Zagreb, trying to get to Dubrovnik.

Finally at the clue, it's a Roadblock. One team member must help rebuild a harbor war by finding the one brick that fits jigsaw-like into the wall. Ronald & Christina do this right away and head to the next clue, via tandem zipline over the harbor. Now it's the Detour: Short & Long or Long & Short. Teams may either rappel down a wall then climb up another wall before searching for the next clue OR take a swim, then row a boat around the harbor to the next clue. The rowing seems more physical although it's a shorter search through the harbor plaza for the clue. Ronald loses steam quickly and Nathan & Jennifer try to paddle the boat like a canoe. Team Sexual Confusion chooses to go down-rope then up rope-ladder. Where are the remaining teams?

Team Generic Couple arrive seconds ahead of Team Miyagi and Grasshopper at the clue and they're all directed to the Pit Stop at the Stone Cross. But Nathan & Jennifer are turned away from a taxi because they're wet from the rowboat. Ronald & Christiana hop into a less-discriminating cab and speed off to the Pit Stop, leaving Jennifer behind spiraling into meltdown mode. They beg some guy (not a taxi driver) to take them to the Pit Stop and arrive in second place. However, Phil gives them the disapproving look and sends them back down to the harbor because they took a non-official mode of transportation. Down they go, then back, but Kynt & Vyxsin pass them in the intervening time to snatch second place. When Team Generic Couple arrives, they celebrate with a frigid handshake. Meanwhile the other three teams are just arriving in town with Team Alpha Siblings bringing up the rear.

It's a two-way sprint for Nicolas & Donald vs. Azaria & Hendekea for the last slot. Team Alpha Siblings are in much better shape, but it looks like Team Rude Boy & Gramps have a fair lead ahead. Sure enough, we get the fake drama (shaky camera up the steps!) until we see it's Nicolas and Donald grabbing their second next-to-last slot in a row. Team Alpha Siblings come up short and are not spared with a non-elimination leg. For the sixth straight leg of the Race, the last place team is booted.

Final standings:

1 - Ronald & Christina - Team Miyagi and Grasshopper
2 - Kynt & Vyxsin - Team Sexual Confusion
3 - Nathan & Jennifer - Team Generic Couple
4 - TK & Rachel - Team Birkenstock
5 - Nicolas & Donald - Team Rude Boy and Gramps
6 - Azaria & Hendekea - Team Alpha Siblings - PHILIMINATED

Next episode - Two weeks away, Donald looks like he's near the end.

1 comment:

  1. This one of the most appealing final fives ever, although I'm sure Nate & Jen will win just because they're by far the most obnoxious and foul team left. Actually, she might be worse than Flo or Jonathan of Jonathan/Victoria or even Mirna.
