Thursday, October 04, 2007

Can't anybody play this game? - Debra Saunders on the SCHIP mess: "It is as if Washington Dems and Repubs have reached a cynical pact - an agreement to pass bills which expand the size and scope of government, without ever coming up with an honest way to pay for them." So this shouldn't be a surprise: "Congress, Bush Approval Ratings Lowest Ever."


  1. Anonymous3:17 AM

    But the Bush approval rating is because America has repudiated his vision and tactics. The low Congressional rating is because they have allowed Bush's vision and tactics to proceed. (Yes, I know they don't yet have the votes to make magic happen by snapping their fingers.)

    The main thing is: this is NOT a "pox on both your houses" result. Every one of these "least loved Congress ever" updates is a dagger right into the heart of the GOP.

  2. Unless I'm misreading you, that implies that the Democrats in Congress are purposely NOT doing their job to foment dissatisfaction with the Republicans.

    Well, in that case, I take back everything I said about Democrats being unprincipled, power-hungry, jerks.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Yes, you're misreading me. No "implications" required. My direct statement is that the Democrats' failure to press their limited advantage to its fullest has disappointed the voters, who elected them in 2006 largely to block and counteract Bush and the GOP.

    The approval rating reflects that legislative failure (such as it is), NOT dissatisfaction with the Democrats' diabolical (and non-existent) strategy to purposely underachieve.

    Power-hungry jerks in politics? Shock! Who knew? But you'll know the Democrats have sunk to the unprincipled level of their rivals when they start drafting CYA legislation retroactively protecting criminal behavior... the way Bush & Co. are systematically trying to do on their way out the door.
