Thursday, October 04, 2007

Loser of the day

Here in Western Massachusetts, there are no responsibilities, only rights. And hurt feelings. So when there are hurt feelings, there's the right to sue. From the Boston Globe: "Student takes his 'C' to federal court"

Plenty of college students grumble when they get a mediocre grade and feel that they deserved better. When Brian Marquis got a C instead of an A-minus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, he made a federal case of it.


Marquis, a 51-year-old paralegal seeking bachelor's degrees in legal studies and sociology, filed a 15-count lawsuit in US District Court in Springfield in January after a teaching assistant graded a political philosophy class on a curve and turned Marquis's A-minus into a C. Marquis contends that the university violated his civil rights and contractual rights and intentionally inflicted "emotional distress."
Little did I know that my years at college were filled with so much "emotional distress." This is par for the course for the culture of entitlement here in the Happy Valley. At least the judge had the good sense to toss the case.


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I'm amazed a man can make it through 51 years and is still such a complete pussy.

    I hope his case is dismissed and he flunks out.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I hope his case is dismissed

    The last sentence Bram read before replying:
    At least the judge had the good sense to toss the case.

    Your reading ethic is appalling! I give you a D-minus, and I hereby strip you of your fancy tassel! See you in court!

  3. Judge Dredd, if you had hit the link you would have seen that this 'paralegal' was considering an appeal.

    I hereby remove you from the bench and sentence you to remedial law school.


  4. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Law school? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You fiend!
