Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Push back on Newsweek's global warming "denial" story

Jeff Jacoby wonders why the environmentalists are so angry: "Hot tempers on global warming"

Then why is the tone of Sharon Begley's cover story -- nine pages in which anyone skeptical of the claim that human activity is causing global warming is painted as a bought-and-paid-for lackey of the coal and oil industries -- so strident and censorious? Why the relentless labeling of those who point out weaknesses in the global-warming models as "deniers," or agents of the "denial machine," or deceptive practitioners of "denialism?" Wouldn't it be more effective to answer the challengers, some of whom are highly credentialed climate scientists in their own right, with scientific data and arguments, instead of snide insinuations of venality and deceit? Do Newsweek and Begley really believe that everyone who dissents from the global-warming doomsaying does so in bad faith?

Anthropogenic global warming is a scientific hypothesis, not an article of religious or ideological dogma. Skepticism and doubt are entirely appropriate in the realm of science, in which truth is determined by evidence, experimentation, and observation, not by consensus or revelation. Yet when it comes to global warming, dissent is treated as heresy -- as a pernicious belief whose exponents must be shamed, shunned, or silenced.
And Polipundit notes that even Newsweek's contributing editor is questioning the motives of his own magazine. As I've written before, the global warming scare (Exxon, please send a check!) is more a religion than a movement. The Democrats in Congress are all warriors against global warming until it means doing something meaningful like increasing CAFÉ standards, dropping ethanol import tariffs, promoting greenhouse-gas-free nuclear power, or approving Cape Wind off Ted Kennedy's vacation home.


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    It's a scam that the left buys into because they so love the solution - state control of the economy.

    The data and analysis used to "prove" global warming is total crap.

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM


    I have been saying for years that the socialist "pincer movement" is control of energy, and healthcare. Once the state controls your freedom of movement and access to healthcare, they are pretty much in charge.
