Thursday, August 16, 2007

Can't we all just get along?

From the Boston Globe: "The toll of intolerance in Iraq"

The desolating reality illuminated in the truck bombings and each of the incidents preceding it is a collective refusal to accept differences, whether of one individual from a community or of one group from another. Indeed, this is the billowing nightmare that has descended on all the people of Iraq.
This harkens back to the argument that Iraq is so diverse and divided that only the iron fist of a tyrant could hold it together. I guess "live and let live" isn't in the Koran.

Woody: "Ask her why she thinks the Book of Concord is not in line with the Scriptures!"
Kelly: "Because it's not."
Woody: "HERETIC!"
From "Cheers" via Windypundit.

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