Sunday, July 15, 2007

Proposed: 41% of Americans don't understand the First Amendment

I haven't written much about the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" because not only will it never become law, but because I can imagine the quickest smack-down in the history of the Supreme Court. I'm genuinely baffled by the arguments on the Left that the First Amendment should be modified for political purposes. But then there's this from Rasmussen Reports:

Americans are evenly divided as to whether or not the government should "require all radio and television stations to offer equal amounts of conservative and liberal political commentary." The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 41% favor that proposal and 41% are opposed.
Who shall adjudicate the "equality" of commentary on the airwaves? I can only imagine there are elaborate equations to be set up where Rush Limbaugh = Keith Olbermann + Eleanor Clift. The Left has meddled in the marketplace of goods and services to disastrous results and now they're trying to control the marketplace of ideas. Pathetic. Instead, they should try to offer a better product.


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Holy crud, you actually think "equal time" is another liberal plot? Even as McCain-Feingold dies a brutal death, and as the GOP whines about PBS not running their junk neocon documentaries?

    P.S. it was Republicans who created the Fairness Doctrine, during the era of the Red Menace. Not that this stuff is ever a good idea, but let's not forget whose ungood idea it was.

  2. "Equal time" for presidential candidates is one thing; litigating the freedom of speech in the private sector is inherently unconstitutional.

    But, hey, if Joe McCarthy did it, then it must be OK for the Left, fifty years later, right? Way to rise above.

  3. And what became today's Democrats were yesterday's slave owners. And who implemented and enforced Jim Crow laws all over the South? You guessed it. Democrats.

    So, in sum. if you want to use yesterday to discuss today, I say, let's do it fully.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    So you mean Bush ISN'T Truman? This is a terrible shock!

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    check out a new online petition/web site from the NRSC.

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I've followed your enlightening links ("services"), and my soul has absorbed your wise sense of proportion.

    At last I can see that "proscribed speech" rumblings of the 1940s-1960s are a completely irrelevant comparison for today's "proscribed speech" rumblings... but that French labor politics is a BRILLIANT, dead-on analogy. After all, Left is Left!

    Now, if you conservative fellows on "the Right" could do something about these honor killings of yours, that'd be great. Thanks!
