Sunday, July 15, 2007

No point "wining" about the results

Heh-heh, did you get that pun? Sure, I worked on it for a couple of hours, but I think it came out OK. In any case, this is my second favorite wine story ever:

The connoisseurs may cringe, the snobs may even sob, but the judges have spoken: California's best chardonnay costs less than $3.
And this is my favorite wine-related story:

"The wine that one judge said bespoke 'the magnificence of France' turned out to be a Napa Cabernet." Similarly, "'That is definitely a California. It has no nose,' said another judge - after downing a Batard-Montrachet '73." The comments and results of the tasting indicated that the judges could not distinguish California from French wines.
Know what's my new favorite wine? Barefoot Zinfandel (red) at $6/bottle. Suck it, sommeliers.


  1. I have found the quality of "2-Buck Chuck" to be wildly erratic, with some of it OK, but most of it barely tolerable swill. That being said, much of California's wine is absurdly overpriced--particularly the Cabernets.

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I've been downing Rex Goliath pinot noir and cab almost by the case for the last several months. I can find it for $6-8/bottle in various places in the Seattle area. My GF and I just call it "The Rooster" as it has a blue label with a colorful rooster on it.

    I'm done with spending $20+ for a bottle of "good" wine!

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    DAR, Rex Cab is really good.;


  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    With 2-buck chuck, one has to be careful to choose the right month. Buy one bottle and taste; if it's good--buy a case, if not, wait to next month and try again.
