Friday, June 22, 2007

What media bias? - It's become redundant to point out the liberal slant of the New York Times, but check out the pictures they chose for a story on immigration and amnesty.

Amnesty supporters: the soft light of a people yearning to breathe free
Amnesty opponents: slack-jawed yokels with bad teeth and unkempt lawns

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Well, I think it is about time for someone to buy up a few houses in the glitterati neighborhoods in which the NYT editorial staff and ownership lives. Pack the homes with 4 or 5 illegal immigrant families and tell them to make sure to butcher chickens in the back yard in full view of the smart-set cocktail parties. Oh, and don't forget to park 10 cars on the street and drive drunk around the schools so that some of their kids can go home in a bodybag too! Maybe they'll enjoy the rich pageant of undocumented American life the way we middle class working stiffs have to. But what do you bet they would bring every power on heaven and earth to bear against anyone who dared threaten their domestic tranquility and property values?
