Thursday, June 21, 2007

Check your couch cushions, you may be a millionaire

In Zimbabwean dollars, that is. From CNN: "Zimbabwe currency crashes"

The value of the Zimbabwean dollar suffered its worst crash in memory, dealers said Thursday, sparking a run on dollars and forcing stores to close early to put new prices on their meager stock.

Black market exchange rates -- fueled by the central bank buying at the illegal rates to pay the mounting debts of crumbling state fuel and power utilities -- rose to upward of 300,000 Zimbabwe dollars to one U.S. dollar in large offshore deals, said one trader.
No Zimbabwe story is complete without the insane inflation anecdote:

A journalist for Zimbabwe's official Herald newspaper reported that she had returned home from a week in South Africa to discover that during her absence the price of beef had increased 2.5 times, a bottle of cooking oil had doubled and bus fares had gone up between three and fivefold. gets more bizarre:

Zimbabwe's official media also alleged Thursday it received "a secret document" on a plot by Western countries to undermine the economy masterminded by Zimbabweans and foreigners known as the Fishmongers Group.
The Fishmongers Group! They make the Bilderberg Group look like pikers. The tragedy here is that most of Africa refuses to face down Robert Mugabe, especially South African president Thabo Mbeki who has the best chance of turning around this downward spiral. (HT: Q&O)


  1. To liberals, this guy is still a hero because he ran whitey off the land stolen from the indigenous peoples. Who cares that he has effectively demolished Zimbabwe? As long as it isn't British-run Rhodesia anymore, no one will complain. I am just surprised that no one has found a creative way to blame Bush for all of this.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM


    I'm sure that it's only a matter of time for the progs from the Hive, who swarm this site when one of their heroes (Stalin, Hillary, DeVal, Mao, Che, Capt. Chivas of the SS Rosemobile, et. al.) get lambasted.

    The usual suspects will be blamed, rich white males, Christians, Bush, Halliburton, DeBeers, the Boy Scouts of America, global warming, climate change, the CIA, Big Oil, tobacco or whatever evil capitalist cabal exciting the voices screaming in our birkenstock-shod bolshevik 5th columnists.

  3. Anon,

    You forgot the Trilateral Commission, Diebold, and the Jews.

  4. Anonymous2:25 PM

    To liberals, this guy is still a hero because he ran whitey off the land stolen from the indigenous peoples... I am just surprised that no one has found a creative way to blame Bush for all of this.

    What a loon.

    Look out, Brian! It's right there! Behind the door! A DEMOCRAT! It's gonna GETCHA! Booga booga!
