Friday, June 01, 2007

Free, free, free! Everything free in Massachusetts!

Our new governor has decided that only legislation can improve the quality of life in the Bay State. From the Boston Globe: "Patrick seeks free two-year state colleges"

Governor Deval Patrick plans to unveil a proposal today to make Massachusetts' community colleges, among the priciest in the nation, free to all high school graduates in the state by the year 2015, according to documents obtained by the Globe.
What a deal! Any details?

But Patrick's ambitious plan includes neither price tags nor funding proposals as the state struggles financially. Instead, it calls for a commission that would be charged with transforming the plan into reality.
Uh-huh. Well, if I form a commission to figure out how to get a new car, I'm certain the biggest hurdle won't be finding a dealer.

Extra - From New England Republican: "It's time to face some cold hard facts. The state is struggling to pay for the education system it has today, so muddying the waters with billions in additional spending and new programs is irresponsible."

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, free 13th and 14th grades, as if the first 12 under state control weren't enough.
