Thursday, May 31, 2007

Plenty of jobs for proofreaders

Because you can't spell-check a banner:

Ironically, the final round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee is tonight.


  1. Anonymous3:16 AM

    A canny move by the Clinton team, to try and siphon away the moron vote that's traditionally gone GOP.

  2. Dat Bush is kausing glowbal warming and evuryone hates us bekauze of him.

    Vote for Hilary

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The banner is classic, but the content of her speech is the truly frightening part.

    It seems that to allay the fears of multi-billionaire Silicon Valley CEO's that their slave labor H1B's might go home some day, Hillary promises to flood them with all the low-paid foreign labor they can handle! Hooray!!

    Overheard at Hillary-phest:

    Steve Jobs sobbing softly in the corner... Bill Gates went over and asked if he was alright, and Steve said, that he was just welling up with joy thinking about Hillary winning the Presidency. He went on to say that he had always dreamed of replacing the base metal roof on his 30,000 sq. ft. guest house with pure platinum and now, he was pretty sure he would be able to afford it. Bill responded that he too, dreamt of such a thing, but in his fantasy, the people who come to replace the roof will be his own former engineers and designers that he had replaced with cheap H1B visa workers. Also, Bill hopes he will be able to yell out personal comments like "Hey Jeff! How's that daughter of yours, know the one that was at USC when we fired you? Oh, sorry, you probably can't afford that tuition on a roofers income! Well, there's always a career in bartending, especially if she's a hottie!"

  4. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Remember the '92 theme song? It looks like the Clintons stopped thinking about tomorrow.

  5. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I guess Hillary is inching up towards her victory in this election,since because she is covering every hot issues from global warming to immigration,which is the good sign for her victory...
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