Saturday, April 28, 2007

Highly educated babysitters - Joanne Jacobs has a post titled "Why teachers quit" about why so many teachers pack it in after a couple years. The short answer is that they're under too much stress enforcing classroom discipline.

Personal story: over the years, people have often suggested to me that they thought I would make a great teacher. As a lark, I even went so far to take the Massachusetts certification test for teachers, which I aced. But I keep hearing stories like this and I realize I'll never be able to hack it. Too bad, that.

1 comment:

  1. My wife has taught in two urban high schools and one suburban middle school. Although she likes the high school age group better, she spends far more time dealing with discipline and behavior problems than she did in the suburban school.

    A lot of the urban kids go to school to socialize and participate in non school, eg gang activities, not to learn.

    It's even worse when the administration refuses to back up the teachers.
