Sunday, April 29, 2007

Amazing Race update - The never-ending Race

When are they going to put us out of our misery and end this gimmicky All-Stars edition of the Amazing Race? We've now had two back-to-back non-elimination legs and this season has stretched my patience to the breaking point. It's not as bad as the execrable Family Edition, but it's a close second.

Teams must travel from Macau to Guam and find a U.S.military base. The Blondies make the first ferry off the island and book the first flight from Hong Kong to Guam; everybody but Oswald & Danny make this flight but they're connecting on the same flight from Tokyo to Guam, assuming they can make a tight connection. Back from commercial, they're on the plane so now everybody's bunched on the same flight to Guam.

Once there, teams grab marked cars and race to the base which doesn't open until 7am. A military escort takes Racers to an Air Force control tower and they run up the stairs. On top, it's the Detour: Care Package or Engine Care. Teams may either prepare a food package to drop from a C-17 cargo plane, or clean off the engines of a B-17 bomber. Everybody chooses to clean the bomber except Charla & Mirna who instantly tick off the Air Force officer by tossing stuff into the care boxes without much care. Dustin & Kandace try to charm the cleaning sergeant but he wants his plane cleaned. After they finish, they need to drive from the Air Force base to the Naval base. Charla & Mirna finish the Detour last even though they keep asking the pilot of the bomber to fly faster.

At the Naval Base, it's the Roadblock: using a GPS, one team member must find a search & rescue expert (a "downed pilot") who will then direct them to another position where they will set off a smoke bomb for helicopter extraction. Team Blondie finishes first and Kandace (or is it Dustin?) gets hoisted up first. Danielle finds her pilot next while Charla can't seem to figure out which direction to walk, once again confirming my belief that Charla & Mirna can't do anything right. The military escort with Charla tells her no fewer than four times to not touch the buttons on the GPS. The Blondies head to the Pit Stop at Fort Soledad.

Oswald finishes the Roadblock just behind Charla so it's looking very likely that Oswald & Danny will be eliminated because they're carrying over a 30-minute penalty from last week's non-elimination leg. No need to wait: they arrive last and are eliminated

Final standings:

#1 - Dustin & Kandace Prize: ATV
#2 - Eric & Danielle
#3 - Charla & Mirna
#4 - Oswald & Danny - PHILIMINATED

Next week: The finale, finally.

Extra - Pat will have his recap up before you know it.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Congrats to Eric's team on winning the million! BQ with 2nd and pity that Danny's team couldn't join in the last leg of the race.

  2. I'm definitely sick of this season. I also wish Phil would recognize that there's another team that could achieve the distinction of being the first all-female team to win the contest.

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    If the amazing race asia is counted, there's nothing really fantastic about having first all-female team to win as that's been done. that said, i think the asia version is really stupid (not totally stupid since there's quite a bit of entertainment value). for starters, there's the Hulk. the other one whom u might wanna watch out for is the cry baby whom i initially disliked but eventually, he won me over. And yes, i'm just as stupid to watch that stupid asia version. lol

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

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