Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Grab your ankh, it's runnin' time! - Producer Joel Silver plans to remake the 1976 sci-fi classic "Logan's Run"; admit it, you love it.


  1. Oh cool. I love that movie.

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    On the one hand, he made Demolition Man, on the other he did Die Hard, Hudson Hawk, Lethal Weapon, and Predator. But he made Demolition Man. It will either be really good, or really really bad.

  3. Though quite cheesy, Demolition Man was a classic. Years after its release, there's barely a month that goes by without riffing on all restaurants becoming Taco Bell or using the Three Shells.

  4. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I don't care how Velveeta cheesy Demolition Man or Hudson Hawk were; I loved them both. I've only seen the last half of Logan's Run, but it was an allright movie. And it was shot locally, so woohoo! I just hope the remake is shot locally, but I doubt that'll happen, since not much of our town looks futuristic anymore.
