Wednesday, April 11, 2007

CBS strikes again

"Little Big Girl": When Lisa finally admits that her story on her Native American heritage was not completely fact-checked, Homer says "My little girl's just like CBS News". This is a reference to the Killian documents controversy in 2004.

From the WashPost: 'Katie's Notebook' Item Cribbed From Wall Street Journal

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Since CBS News is a serious and legitimate news organization with a reputation to protect, perhaps they should consider suing "The Simpsons" for defamation. Oh, wait, that doesn't work...

    Tuesday October 28, 2003
    Fox News Threatened to Sue 'The Simpsons'

    First, they went after Al Franken for trademark infringement. Now comes word that the geniuses at Fox News threatened to sue "The Simpsons" over a parody of the right-wing news channel. "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening told NPR that Fox News tried to get him to cut out the segment, before ultimately backing down. Rupert Murdoch owns both Fox News and Fox Broadcasting, which airs "The Simpsons," and apparently even he wasn't crazy enough to sue himself.

    The parody included a political debate hosted by Fox News, described by the moderator as "your voice for evil." Fox News's main beef was with the mock "news crawl" featured at the bottom of the screen during the debate, which Fox argued might confuse viewers. The crawl featured the following headlines:

    "Do Democrats cause cancer? Find out at ... Rupert Murdoch: Terrific Dancer. ... Dow down 5000 points. ... Study: 92 percent of Democrats are gay. ... JFK posthumously joins Republican Party. ... Oil slicks found to keep seals young, supple. ... Dan Quayle: Awesome."
