Sunday, April 08, 2007

Amazing Race update - Recycling papers in Malaysia

We're down to five teams and I don't have disfavor with any of them, save for one. Charla & Mirna deserve a special place in reality TV hell for their condescending behavior towards people all around the globe, Mirna's manic whininess, and their constant arguments which approaches the discourse of screecher monkeys. Who will they annoy tonight (besides the viewing public)? We'll see.

Teams started out from Warsaw, Poland and head all the way to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As usual with a long trip, there's a lot of jockeying for the best flight to the other side of the world and teams are taking a lot of different routes. Uchenna & Joyce have a one hour window for a connecting flight through Frankfurt but because of check-in rules, they miss the flight to Kuala Lumpur. They're forced to scramble for another flight but now it's looking like a one-day delay, which could be deadly for them.

Once in Kuala Lumpur, teams must go to the Batu Caves. Charla & Mirna arrive first to the clue which just directs them to a mosque ten miles away, along with a Yield. This means that one team may delay a team behind them for an hour, if they choose. At the clue, they find the Detour: Artistic Expression or Cookie Confection. Teams may either make patterned cloth or search through boxes of cookies for one with a licorice center. As Charla & Mirna start in on the cookies, all the other teams are scattered throughout the capital of Malaysia.

Dustin & Kandace, those sweet beauty queens, decide to yield Eric & Danielle which ticks them off. I'm sure that if Team Blonde knew that Uchenna & Joyce are essentially out of the Race, they wouldn't have made a new set of enemies. Oswald & Danny head to the cookie pile while Dustin & Kandace decide to make patterned sheets, which I think is the better Detour choice. Sure enough, after commercial we see Charla & Mirna giving up with the cookies to make sheets.

Team Blonde finishes first and heads to the next clue while Oswald & Danny argue over Detour choices while chomping cookies. Dustin & Kandace hit the Roadblock: one team member must collect used newspapers on the back of a bicycle cart. They do it every quickly and head to the Pit Stop. Meanwhile, there has been absolutely no mention of Uchenna & Joyce in a half-hour.

Mirna finishes the papers pretty quickly also, followed by Danielle. Danny seems to be having a lot of trouble in the heat and they finish in fourth place. Finally, we see Uchenna & Joyce heading to the next clue box but the clue merely says: "Go to the Pit Stop." So they're gone but we can't feel too badly for them since they won a million dollars in a previous season.

Final standings:

#1 - Dustin & Kandace - Prize: a Retro scooter
#2 - Charla & Mirna
#3 - Eric & Danielle
#4 - Oswald & Danny
#5 - Uchenna & Joyce - PHILIMINATED

Next week: The final four flips cars.

Extra - Pat at Brainster will have his recap up soon enough.


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I think the producers wanted us to forget that Uchenna and Joyce were in the race. The end was rather anti-climatic since it was obvious those two were nowhere in the running. I liked them, but can't feel too bad since they have already won a race.

    I had to chuckle when Mirna mentioned that she and Charla are "a team and we work together". Yeah, right. I seem to remember Mirna chiding her "teammate" for basically doing nothing. "I've done more than anyone else ever has on this race", or something like that. Great team attitude, Ms. Hindoyan. Anyway, other than the unnerving accents, I am accustomed to their annoyances (as hard as that is to say).

  2. I kinda wondered at that bit where Mirna made a big point about how they don't eavesdrop and try to find out what other people are doing; it certainly seems to me that they've done that several times this season. I agree that the suspense was flat due to J&U missing the flight from Frankfurt.

  3. Anonymous1:06 AM

    it's going to be a sad sad day if mirna and charla cross the final mat as the first all female team to be amazing race champions. (it'll also be sad if team blonde achieve this feat as well, but we won't get into that.)

    i find it really annoying how mirna and charla put on these "accents" when they are speaking to the locals, as if broken english is the universal language. it just shows how ignorant and uneducated these two are.

    i was really sad to see uchena and joyce leave. i now hope that oswald and danny will win it.

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Sadly, the Mirnas are actually quite educated. Maybe it's just their inability to fraternize with any human being on the face of the earth that makes them seem so moronic sometimes.

    Still, though, they are among the most interesting teams. Who else but Charla would have looked so adorable (err, I mean side-splittingly hilarious) in a suit of armor last week :)
