Sunday, April 08, 2007

The bottomless hole - Will there ever be an end to the expenses piled on Massachusetts taxpayers for Boston's Big Dig? From the Boston Globe: "The Big Tangle - In the aftermath of the fatal I-90 ceiling collapse, a complicated legal fight has drawn in a phalanx of attorneys to defend pocketbooks and reputations." There are 20 lawyers from the state attorney general's office currently working on the Big Dig cases, a number which will only go up if criminal charges are filed.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    It has been going on for 16 years.

    I want MY roads fixed before 2100.

    I never use Logan, I use Bradley or JFK for all my airline needs.

    This State needs to separate into Massachusetts and Western Massachusetts. All they do is take our money and spend it within 40 miles of Boston.

    I Hate this State!

  2. Hercules, do what I did. I packed up the family and moved north to New Hampshire.

    No more Mumbles, no more Deval. Actually, I never got to experience the Deval years. I moved out in December, before he took office. best thing I ever did.
