Monday, February 19, 2007

Un-fare - From Fox News: "Muslim Cabbie Charged With Running Over Students After Religious Dispute" You know, Dad always said not to discuss politics or religion in polite company. He never said anything about getting run over.


  1. The articles I seen on this left out that he was a Muslim. His name gave it away though. Of course, if they could have called him "Mike," they would have done so, so that a dumb few would think it is those anti-abortion Christian zealots that do so.

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    ...if they could have called him..."

    Yes. Well put. "They." "They" are always trying to trick us. "They" don't have the same unbiased smarts that Brian has. It's "their" kind of exclusionary mindset that leads to killer cabbies.

    They are intolerant. Don't you just hate they?

  3. Silliest comment I have read in weeks. It's all our fault that Muslims are intolerant zealots.
