Monday, February 19, 2007

Amazing Race update - Who cares?

Well, I got a couple of comments and Emails wondering why I haven't done an Amazing Race All-Stars update. Here's why:

Rob & Amber from Survivor, Survivor All-Stars, and the seventh season of TAR - who have already won a million dollars in Survivor - are back yet again. There's not a whit of spontaneity here: every word that tumbles out of Rob's Boston mouth is designed for the television camera only. Somebody on another team said that America is tired of Rob and Amber and he's exactly right.

Uchenna & Joyce - They won a million dollars on TAR7 and now they get another chance. Why? Among 100 former teams, I guess there were no other couples that deserved a second try.

David & Mary and Charla & Mirna - Easily two of the most annoying teams in the history of the show. They should have given Kris & Jon or Lena & Kristy another roll in the hay (inside joke).

Anyway: here's the 411. Teams started out from Miami and had to go to Ecuador. Find a restaurant and sleep for the night. Leave at staggered times in the morning for some big national park where it's recommended that teams enter through the North Gate. (Foreshadowing!)

At the park, it's the Detour: teams may either search the park for parts of a military uniform or lasso a horse and cut its hooves. Except they don't have to lasso the horse and the local cowboys do all the hard work, so nobody does the uniform search. Some teams, naturally, enter through the South Gate and it takes them an extra hour to get to the task. Kevin & Drew from season one get a flat tire and continue to drive on it anyway, probably figuring that the TAR production staff will pay for the new axle. In the end, the odious Rob & Amber come in first, John Vito & Jill are eliminated and Kevin & Drew just barely make the cut for the next leg.

Extra - If you want a more enthusiastic review, check out Kris's take. Also, Pat has a good review for all you TAR fans.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Perhaps I'm just a junkie, and the this latest curt and snarky TAR review is like heroin cut with baby laxative, but I'm hooked. Maybe this round of TAR has all the wrong elements, and cheering on Rob and Amber is like rooting for the Yankees to win. But Eric's TAR Review is what got me reading Viking Pundit in the first place, and keeps me coming back to check out the other interesting things he writes about.

    So, c'mon VP, suck it up and TAR us! We here in the Peanut Gallery count on your cultural musings, even if we do occasionally mock your choice of names for the contestants -- like the infamous "Team Couple." Sometimes it is the despicable folks that are responsible for the golden moments that TAR produces -- Meredith & Gretchen's agonizing "We have a Bad Elephant!" screech, for example, deserve documentation.

    Eric we need you for this. We need you to bring your "A" game. Sure, you may not be thrilled with this season's TAR cast... but your not thrilled with Teddy Kennedy, either. This does not stop you from joyfully pointing out his foibles and making his silly "quag-moya" speech a target for derision.

