Friday, February 02, 2007

Liberal thinking, encapsulated

The Boston Globe objected to Jim DeMint’s swipe at Ted Kennedy in an editorial today titled “The Big Dig slur.”

This comparison makes no sense. The artery/tunnel project, for all its troubles, is finally done, and the federal government capped its contributions seven years ago. DeMint's tax cuts would cost the government money it could use on other highway projects year after year.
So there you go: a tax break for small businesses could have gone to Washington where it would be used to pay for successful projects like the Big Dig. What a compelling argument.


  1. Hey, the Big Dig was a *very* successful project from the point of view of all those rip-off artists (contractors, union workers, politically connected appointees, et al) who *got* those tax dollars shoved into their pockets.

    What's your beef? Didn't you get yours? Maybe you should be more closely connected to the Kennedy family.

  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    If Dick Cheney had run the Big Dig, you'd all be cooing and gurgling like happy babies.

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM

    "Chad O'Quiddick said...
    If Dick Cheney had run the Big Dig, you'd all be cooing and gurgling like happy babies."

    We would. Because it would have been completed on time, under budget, without the quality of the work having been stinted.
