Monday, November 20, 2006

Uncomfortable juxtaposition of blog posts

Surfing around tonight, first I found this:

China has finally admitted that most of its transplantable organs come from executed prisoners, and many of those are sold to foreigners. The LA Times quotes one kidney-seeking American who went to Guangdong for a quick replacement, and it's fairly clear that other Americans have benefited from the harvest.
Then this:

It took 12 surgeons, six operating rooms and five donors to pull it off, but five desperate strangers simultaneously received new organs in what hospital officials Monday described as the first-ever quintuple kidney transplant.


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    God help us when they find out it is better to take the organs before death.

    How many of these surgeons are providing harvesting advice here in the US. How many received training in the US.
