Monday, November 20, 2006

Keep hope alive – John Kerry still believes that John Kerry has a chance to be president. Who are we to squash his futile dreams? Go Senator Splunge!


  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    You know who's funny? Michael Dukakis riding in the tank! With the helmet! Michael Dukakis in the tank is funny! Still! You should write more about him!

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    In a way it's kinda cute, like the kid dressed up in the Superman costume. However, you know it's just going to end up badly, like when the kid climbs up on the roof to jump because he thinks he can fly.

  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    And in another way, it's like the grownup who says, "Remember the time that annoying kid jumped off the roof? Remember that time? I remember that time! That time was awesome! Hey, let's keep talking about that time, and keep talking about that time, and let's never stop remembering it!"

    Oh, and the grownup is a bitter, broken-down alcoholic whose best days were taken away from him one horrible November night, two years after the annoying kid jumped. (It helps the stupid metaphor.)

  4. Why is this untopical? Kerry was on "Meet the Press" just one day before the post. The candidate poll came out a day later.

    Plus, he's my senator, so I have a special claim for ridicule.

    And I'm not an alcoholic just because I hide beer under the sink.
