Thursday, November 30, 2006

Quote of the Day

From an article in the Boston Globe about a man suing the Scotts company because they caught him smoking:

Rodrigues said he decided to file suit because, "What's to make them stop at just cigarettes? If they're a Republican company, can they try and figure out who you vote for and if you vote for the Democrats, they'll fire you?
And I say: why not!


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Even joking about that shows you to be the un-American asshole you are.

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Hey, anonymous, what's more American than freedom of association and employment at will?

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    American cheese?

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Anonymous, I've known Eric since before he became the Viking Pundit. I find your comments offensive and inaccurate. The Viking Pundit is definitely NOT un-American.

    ...sorry my Swedish meatball friend...I never could resist a cheap shot! I would hope you celebrate the inherent pugnacity which is a hallmark of my Hibernian-American cultural identity. I am sober right now because I am between paychecks. Damn.

    Reincarnate Goldwater in '08!
