Thursday, November 30, 2006

The future is now

From “Sleeper,” two doctors from the future discuss the diet of a recently re-animated Woody Allen:

Dr. Melik: [puzzling over list of items sold at Miles' old health-food store] ... wheat germ, organic honey and... tiger's milk.
Dr. Aragon: Oh, yes. Those are the charmed substances that some years ago were thought to contain life-preserving properties.
Dr. Melik: You mean there was no deep fat? No steak or cream pies or... hot fudge?
Dr. Aragon: [chuckling] Those were thought to be unhealthy... precisely the opposite of what we now know to be true.
Dr. Melik: Incredible!
From the Boston Globe: Red wine and dark chocolate protect the heart.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Fortunately, the confusion regarding Tiger's Milk, like that regarding Dragon Sausage, will be cleared up by bureaucratic fiat.
