Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wal-Mart for me but not for thee – VA Senatorial candidate Jim Webb invests in Wal-Mart, condemns Wal-Mart


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Errr... wouldn't Webb's taking a political stand that could cost him money be the OPPOSITE of a conflict of interest?

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Okay, sure. But it's the SAME as rank hypocrisy. Do you have an underlying point?

    Didn't think so.

  3. Anonymous11:17 PM

    So now a self-serving agenda is "the SAME" as a selfless one? A politician taking a side that he thinks will benefit his constituents, even as it harms his own bottom line, is "the SAME as rank hypocrisy"? Do you have an underlying cortex?

    Didn't think

    A small edit reveals all!

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Pssst - Hey, Aristotle? BOTH positions are self-serving. He makes real money, he fakes real "progressivism!" He gets his cake, he eats it too!

    Didn't think

    A small edit reveals all!

    Please, I beg you to see someone about this "projection" problem you continue to exhibit...

  5. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Pssst - Hey, Aristotle? BOTH positions are self-serving. He makes real money, he fakes real "progressivism!" He gets his cake, he eats it too!

    Thanks for the logic lesson, Play-Doh. The same argument could be made if he sold his Wal-Mart stock, and spoke out on behalf of the company.

    How odd that such an argument is possible. Now, let's see what Jim Webb's plan to get out of Iraq is. C'mon, Webby, just say something. One eensy-weensy plan. One hypothetical timetable. We promise we won't seize on the particulars, no matter what they are, to move the debate sideways, away from our disaster. We'd never do that, except in the interest of honest debate. Herrrre, Democrats, Democrats. Same fair deal for all of you! C'mon, you wouldn't want us to say you "have no plan," now would you...? If your unenforceable plan is really really good, we double-dog swear we won't bash it...
