Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Blanche DuBois of the United Nations:

And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here.” [crosses himself]

And it smells of sulfur still today.”
Heavens! You’ll give this Southern Hemisphere flower the vapors!


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    It was hilarious, watching the CNN anchors react to Chavez with naked shock and umbrage. They really had the shakes. (I didn't see Fox News, but I assume somebody was performing CPR.)

  2. Really...who cares one wit what that tinpot scumbag says?

  3. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Ah, you know, Bri, the outside world. No need to bother dealing with them.

  4. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I saw Fox News while Brit Hume was on. He and his guests were laughing.

    Chavez has made himself and his country a laughingstock.

  5. The Left cares. He is one of their iconic figures. I say put him on the news as much as possible. THIS is what the face of today's Left looks like. Not that different from the old, Stalinist Left, I guess.

  6. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Yeah, thank goodness there are brave conservative voices willing to criticize the Leftist Icon, Chavez. Like the rightwing Charles Rangel.


  7. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Nancy Pelosi called Chavez a "thug." I guess she didn't get the DNC memo.

    But since we all know that today's left idolizes Hugo Chavez, that must have been a secret acronym for "Tyrannical Heartthrob Us Glorify." Those socialist liberals speak in code, you know! Stay on them, JorgX! You've got those bad boys pegged!

  8. Look, I enjoy your blog but I can't resist correcting you here. Venezuela is NOT in the Southern Hemisphere.

  9. I stand corrected, Doctor.
