Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sunday morning lineup – Condi Rice makes the rounds and Joe Biden will be on Fox News Sunday. If he says “Jack” (as in “listen here, Jack”), EVERYBODY DRINK.


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Wow-that bugs the hell out of me too.

    The guy is a gazilion years old and he is still desperate to appear hip and cool.

    Geez did you see where on a show a couple of weeks ago he was puling a crazy Ivan and saying "let's just nuke Korea".

    Well hell "someone" has to at least threaten it-and at least Joe can play useful idiot. Funny how it went completely under the radar because the lefties-proported foreign affairs "expert" said it-hopefully Kim was listening...

    Kinda like one nut sending super secret coded "messages" to the other nut.

    What is simply amazing is how no one-even noticed it. The media has their favorites don't they? Can you imagine a Republican getting away with that?

  2. As I remember, Barry Goldwater didn't even have to say that much.
