Saturday, August 05, 2006

Say it ain’t so, Joe – From GOP Bloggers: “Lieberman throws in the towel” Meanwhile, Bill Krisol thinks that President Bush should name Lieberman as secretary of defense. Recall that Bill Cohen, a Republican, was Bill Clinton’s defense secretary. (HT: Mark)

Extra – Robert Kagan calls Joe Lieberman “The Last Honest Man” because he refused to engage in “phony self-flagellation followed by self-righteous self-congratulation” that saved many other Democrats who were pro-war.


  1. I stand by my predicition that Lieberman wins.

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    It ain't so.

    Latest Quinnipac poll shows Joe down by only 5 points, from 15 the week before.

    On Aug 3 I predicted Joe would lose a squeaker. Now I think he will win a squeaker -- and I might be wrong. It could be a Dean-style blowout for Lamont.

  3. Anonymous4:00 PM

    From "Lamont will get smoked" to "my prediction that Lieberman wins." That's how GOP soothsaying goes these days.

    Ignore the polls! Stay the course! I say Lieberman has turned the corner. He may be just six months away. The anti-war faction is in its last throes! Joe will stand down when Connecticut stands up!
