Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Another one joins us on the dark side

Robert Tumminello, aka the Expat Yank, writes that Harry Truman must be spinning in his grave:

I'm done as a Democrat now. It's taken me nearly five years to get to this point, as the party slid downhill from September 11, 2001….
For if Lieberman's out as a Democrat for espousing views Harry Truman would have approved of, the game is up. Essentially, Joe's loss has "turned out the lights". So, I'm now a Republican. I'm very sorry, Harry.
Well, Robert, the new-old cliché is that you didn’t leave the party, the party left you.


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Oh, so the far right isn't trying just as hard to sink moderate Republican Lincoln Chafee in next month's primary, then? Gotcha.

    Harry Truman made his bones exposing military waste, emphasizing competence, and accepting responsibility. The idea that he would have supported George "The Buck Stopped on 9/11" Bush is, in a word, farcical.

    Don't let the door hit you in the ass, Tumminello. Joining the GOP in August 2006, now there's some good timing.

  2. Nice tu quoque meme.

  3. Anonymous3:02 AM

    "Harry Truman made his bones exposing military waste, emphasizing competence, and accepting responsibility."

    Ever heard of the Korean war? Unforeseen sneak attack by entire North Korean army, longest retreat ever by an American army, 35,000 soldiers dead. I'll take Bush "incompetence" over that any day of the week.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Yeah, I think so. Would that be the same Korean War where President Truman fired the neocon military planner with no interest in geopolitical realities?

    (Of course, MacArthur argued AGAINST getting American troops mired in Vietnam. The flipflopper! It's almost as if he learned from his errors. Looks like all the Bush analogies are dying on the vine, hmm?)

    Anyhow, thank goodness Bush was never inattentive while enemies were preparing to attack us, like that Truman guy. I wonder if anyone'd asked HST to name a mistake he'd made as President, if he could have answered?

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    "Yeah, I think so. Would that be the same Korean War where President Truman fired the neocon military planner with no interest in geopolitical realities?"

    MacArthur was a neocon? We're reaching new levels of incoherence here folks.

    "(Of course, MacArthur argued AGAINST getting American troops mired in Vietnam. The flipflopper! It's almost as if he learned from his errors. Looks like all the Bush analogies are dying on the vine, hmm?)"

    WTF? Can you actually respond to anything I said?

    "Anyhow, thank goodness Bush was never inattentive while enemies were preparing to attack us, like that Truman guy."

    9/11 was planned long before Bush became president. It was carried out by a sleeper cell of just 19 guys. The various bureacracies, which no man in history will ever reform, missed the vague pieces of the puzzle. The idea that somehow the head of the executive branch could have personally stopped what happened is the stuff of make believe and Hollywood.

    "I wonder if anyone'd asked HST to name a mistake he'd made as President, if he could have answered?"

    One of the more absurd standards for a president that the Left suddenly invented in the last few years and will quickly be forgotten in the future.

  6. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Harry Truman was far from perfect. He allowed the military to be cut far too deeply after WWII - a move that cost a lot of lives in Korea. He (and Ike) also left the high WWII taxes in place.

    Whenever it was time to stand up and fight, however, Harry was there. He was a WWI Vet and National Guard Colonel. He had to be talked out of resigning his Senate seat and deploying in WWII.

    Can you imagine a Democratic Senator today who is a Colonel in the Reserves?

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    That kind of thing will happen. Especially when the starting point is "Joseph Lieberman is a lot like Harry Truman."

  8. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Ronald Reagan didn't leave the Democratic Party either, the Democratic Party left him.

    Therefore, Joe Lieberman = Ronald Reagan.


  9. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Can you imagine a Democratic Senator today who is a Colonel in the Reserves?

    Mindboggling! I'm still trying to imagine a Democratic Senator who was a combat-decorated Army Captain who lost three of his four limbs in Vietnam, yet was successfully tarred as soft on patriotism by a guy who got two deferments.
