Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Air America update - Brian the Radio Equalizer reports that Jerry Springer is springing free of the liberal radio network. The former mayor of Cincinnati couldn't even gin up an audience in Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Wow, a guy who lost every state election he attempted? But was selected to fill a mayor's post for one year? And who has since become a kind of walking punchline?

    And yet, this political powerhouse failed to capture all Ohio's heart, only 30 years after first failing to do so? Lightly promoted, within a niche radio format, in an uncompetitive time slot, on an AM station? It's shocking!

    What a colossal black eye for the liberal cause, which was counting on Jerry Springer to become a credible force.

    With the Lieberman deal, the week's pretty well been a complete wash for the dying, fading left wing.
