Friday, July 14, 2006

Tom Cruise is at it again

Today’s strangest headline is from the Denver Post: “Boulder deputy clubs menacing bridge ‘troll’”

A golf club-wielding man who tried to extort tolls from people crossing a bike path bridge while claiming to be the bridge's troll is facing menacing and drug charges, police said.

The troll's reign of terror came to an end, police said, when he threatened an off-duty Boulder sheriff's deputy, who snatched the clubs from the man and whacked him with one. Even after a Boulder police officer, with a drawn stun gun, arrived and ordered the man to the ground, the man "continued to be verbally antagonistic, yelling that it was his bridge ... and that he was a troll," according to a police report.
No mention, however, of Lord Xenu. Maybe it was Robert Downey, Jr.

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