Friday, July 14, 2006

Look at us! We’re covert! - Byron York on the Plame/Wilson lawsuit: “Left-wing blog with a legal caption” I haven’t seen a single article or blogpost explaining the legal basis for this civil lawsuit. Also, I imagine the “loss of job” complaint isn’t going to garner much sympathy what with the couple’s million-dollar six-figure book deals.

Extra – Here’s Captain Ed: “I've had a chance to review the lawsuit filed on behalf of Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, and it has an amusing take on reality that I heartily recommend to all interested parties. Quite frankly, the defense will have a delightful time if this ever gets to court. This is one of those moments when one wonders what color the sky is in another's world.”


  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Of course the lawsuit is doomed crap. Uh duhhh. So is the flag-burning amendment. So let's try to perceive the deep, deep truth.

    Since Scooter Libby is delaying his day in court with the ol' parade of paper, what this cynical filing does is keep Leakgate just a little higher in the public eye. And just as we're heading into the final quartermile for the problematic November '06 election, what a delightfully odd coincidence!

    You know, like the similarly worthless and ultimately dismissed Paula Jones lawsuit. Just in case the red state undecideds forget they have their own Clintonesque leader to be ashamed of, a dissembling liar hiding behind implausible nuance and legalese.

    And that can only be good for America.

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